Sample XML Doc for Trying Some of These

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Here is a sample XML document that I put together while developing a number of these XSLT thingies. Sometimes I put comments to myself in these or write sample calls that assume I’m using the data in this document, so I’m including it here.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!-- a document for some of the sample template usages -->
		<elem1>this is elem 1</elem1>
		<elem2>this has &quot;quotes&quot; in it</elem2>
		<elem3>this has slashes / and double slashes // in it</elem3>
		<elem4>this has slashes/&quot;quotes&quot; in it</elem4>
				<value>this is value of 51</value>
				<value>"this is quoted value of 52"</value>
    <name>item 1</name>
    <description>This is item 1</description>
    <name>item 2</name>
    <description>This is item 2</description>
    <name>item 3</name>
    <description>This is item 3</description>
  	<something>some text for elema</something>
  <elemd>this is elemd</elemd>
  <elemb>some text for elemb</elemb>
  <eleme>I am eleme</eleme>
  	<subitem>pair1 part 1</subitem>
  	<subitem>pair1 part 2</subitem>
  	<subitem>pair1 part 3</subitem>
  	<subitem>pair2 part 1</subitem>
  	<subitem>pair2 part 2</subitem>
  	<subitem>pair2 part 3</subitem>
	  <telem>this has trailing space </telem>
	  <telem> this has leading space</telem>
	  <telem>  this has leading and trailing space   </telem>
  	<!-- good ones -->
  	<!-- bad ones -->
  	<dtselem>1912-04-15T04:15Z </dtselem>

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